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Quotes On World Environment Day

“If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.”

“Nature is the art of God.”

“Let us permit nature to have her way. She understands her business better than we do.”

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery~ air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, ‘This is what it is to be happy.’

“To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.”

“I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars.”

Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.”

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“The earth laughs in flowers.”

“I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored.”

“Between every two pines there is a doorway to a new world.”

“Life sucks a lot less when you add mountain air, a campfire and some peace and quiet.”

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”

“The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration.”

“Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.”

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