Motivational Papa Website

Sadhguru Quotes

Best Hindi Motivational Quotes | motivationalpapa

“One should use information and logic as a drunkard would use a lamp post – only for support, not for illumination.”

“Belief is just like morality. People who believe something often think they are superior to others.”

“If you are willing, every moment of your life can be a fantastic experience. Just the act of inhaling and exhaling can be a tremendous love affair.”

“The identity around which the intellect functions is called ahankara.”

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“The moment you get strongly identified, you lose your perspective on life!”

“When unpleasant things happen in our lives, we can become either wise or wounded – that is our choice.”

The self is the same. Either you wear a masculine peel or a feminine peel. That is all it is.”

“Responsibility simply means your ability to respond.”

“Whatever has been the highest experience in your life should become the centerpiece around which your life is structured.”

“You cannot transform the world without transforming the individual.”

“Fruit is the most easily digestible food and all human beings know this instinctively.”

“What kind of food you eat, how much you eat, how you eat, turning it from a compulsive pattern into a conscious process: this is the essence of fasting. Sadhana.”

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