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Quotes On Shivaji Jayanti

“Let us take inspiration from Shivaji to never give up in the battle of life and always have confidence on ourselves. Happy Shivaji Jayanti.”

“If we can take inspiration from the live of Shivaji then it will be the best thing we can do for our lives…. Best wishes on Shivaji Jayanti to you.”

“Shivaji Jayanti reminds us of the courageous acts of Chatrapati Shivaji which will inspire the coming generations forever….. Happy Shivaji Jayanti to you.”

“We are fortunate to born on the land where Chatrapati Shivaji was born….. It is truly a pride for every Indian to share his Motherland with a courageous soul like him…. Happy Shivaji Jayanti.”

“Warm wishes on Shivaji Jayanti to you. May Chhatrapati is always there to show us the right path to walk on.”

So far many people have praised Maharaj through poems (Poems On Shivaji Maharaj In Marathi). A special poem on Shivaji Maharaj for you.

When you are enthusiastic, the mountain also looks like a clay pile. – Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

Let us celebrate Shivaji Jayanti by promising ourselves to always walk the path of righteousness like Shivaji Maharaj and make our nation proud.

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If you think that we can take inspiration from the leave of Shivaji then it will be the best thing that you think we can do for our lives.

The Maratha Gadi with a heavy chest is a tiger, the strength of an elephant in the wrist is the fire of Shivteja in the heart….

Shivaji Jayanti will always remind us of the courageous hero of our country who lived and died for the nation. Have a wonderful Shivaji Jayanti.

Nation First. Then your Guru, your Parents, and finally your God! So, the nation should always come before yourselves.

Shivaji Jayanti reminds us of the courageous acts of Chhatrapati Shivaji which will inspire the coming generations forever…..

The whole world respects those who bend before Dharma, Truth, Excellence, and God!

May you are always blessed with the blessings of Shivaji to always be successful in your dreams and always be full of courage and strength….

Be strong like him, be courageous like him, be inspiring like him….. Be like Chhatrapati Shivaji.

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