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Quotes On International Yoga Day

Yoga teaches us to cure what we don't need to endure and to endure what we can't.

Yoga is a journey within the self, through the self, and back to the self.

Yoga is not a religious practice. It is a science of happiness, a science of youth, a science of integrating body, mind, and soul.

Yoga is more than just repeating a few postures; it is about exploring and discovering the subtle energies of life.

Yoga is a work-in, not a workout.

Yoga is more than just exercise; it is also about breathing, meditation, and mindfulness.

Yoga is a journey within, to, and through the self.

Yoga is a light that, once lit, never goes out. The brighter the flame, the better your practice.

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A contented soul, a clear mind, and a healthy body. Yoga can help with all three. I wish you a wonderful Yoga Day.

Yoga is the only way to stay fit and must be practiced daily to keep your mind stress-free.

Yoga is a flame that, once lit, never goes out; the better you practice, the brighter the flame. International Yoga Day greetings.

Yoga is more than just touching your toes. It all comes down to Unlocking Your Ideas About What You Want.

Yoga is similar to music. The Symphony of Life comprises the Rhythm of the Body, the Mind's Melody, and the Soul's Harmony.

Yoga requires two essential pieces of equipment: your body and your mind.

Yoga is said to be the fountain of youth. Your spine is only as young as it is flexible.

Yoga provides an ideal platform for in-depth exploration of who you truly are.

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